Online Driving School Blog

5 States With the Highest DUI Accident Rates

states with high DUI accident rates

Are those couple of beers you drank before you got behind the wheel worth $16,000? Well, if you live in Illinois, according to DUI accident statistics, that's how much it would cost to pay for your mistake. Not to mention the risk you pose to your life and the lives of others on the road. The high legal cost is just one of many issues drunk drivers must take responsibility for. From the physical (fatalities, medical expenses, and property damage) to the financial (taxpayer costs, insurance rates), a DUI accident causes irreparable harm to all involved. DUI fatalities have been on a steady decline, falling by a third in the last three decades. Despite this decline, drunk driving crashes still claim more than 10,000 lives per year. Although the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports approximately 1.5 million people are arrested annually for DUI, a person will drive drunk on average...

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